Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Pleasant surprise for Diwali !

    Diwali …. Everywhere there is a spirit of joy and festivity and I remember a beautiful experience of a seeker that I would like to share it with all of you . Every body does Diwali pooja in the evening and then enjoy with family and friends . We too finished off Diwali puja and went…

  • My Diwali = Enlightenment day !

    Having heard Shri Mataji so many times say that one candle can light another candle and this is the real significance of Diwali. After so many years of bursting firecrackers, It has also become for me an occasion for thanksgiving and love that needs to spread. I have a deep desire in my heart that…

  • Foot soaking ? How it helped me so much !!

    This is about my experience when I started Sahaja yoga, I was told by Yogi to have regular foot soaks every evening . If possible in the morning before meditation for a minimum 3 months to feel and see the change in my being. When I heard of this idea, I was like…will this work…

  • Sahaja Yoga and the science behind it – Metascience

    This is a very beautiful video that you should see 🙂  

  • How can i lead a pure life ? above all temptations ?

    We all at some point and time in our lives, realize the need for introspection. Whoever it be has a conscience and it will at some stage in our journey ask us…am I doing the right thing ? Most of the times due to our past conditionings and Ego we do feel we are doing…

  • How can India and Pakistan become one ?

    I’ve always wondered why the two nations are so bitter against each other. Of course there is history but then there is history to everything…including all the good or bad we have done ourselves in this or our past lives. When I see the problem, I do feel it is mostly between the politicians who…

  • Carol Garrido: “I need a Guru…”

    Carol Garrido: “I need a Guru…”

    I was in Sheffield at the time and I think what happened really is in retrospect that I walked, I was studying in Sheffield landscape architecture, and I walked past this bookshop where they sold incense and all sorts of things. I sort of walked back again because I saw this picture on the door…

  • I am confident ! and connected 🙂

    My whole life i’ve been sort of a recluse until i came across Sahaja Yoga. My story was always feeling shy in what I wanted to say or do and could never understand why that fear had settled in me. In Sahaja Yoga terminology, we can say I was a left sided person. I always…

  • I believe in LOVE and I believe in Music !

    This is one of the experiences that i’ve always wanted to share but could never write it out. Thanks to this website for giving me this opportunity. As a child I loved doing a lot of things but my greatest passion was to make my own songs and hope of become a music director one…


    HOW TO OVERCOME PAIN In today’s modern world, the biggest silent killer can be said as “pain”.  No drugs can cure this, No psychiatrist can heal this unless the bearer of pain himself or herself desires to get rid of it.  I’m not talking here about physical pains rather the inner pain, emotional pain, broken…

Got any book recommendations?