The great visit of our Holy Mother to Russia (letter to a rakhi brother)

My dear brother, I am hurrying to share my impressions of the great visit of our Holy Mother to Russia with you and the whole Sahaja family. It is September 11th, 2009. Early chilly morning. The day is breaking. Thousands of Sahaja Yogis are leaving their sleeping bags, putting on their warm jackets and hurrying to meditation on the bank of the Volga with smiles on their faces. The plane with Shri Mataji will land very soon. The Russian land is in complete standstill waiting for Her Holy Feet. The realisation of Mother’s great sacrifice – to undertake such a far travel for the sake of Her children at such a venerable age – gives rise to awe preparing our chakras, channels and hearts.

We all are lining on the sides of the road. The torches are lit. All of us are wearing festive clothes and holding rose petals, with hopeful hearts. The wind has come to a standstill. Even the Volga has stopped its flow – it only reflects the first rays of sublime Suriya. Silence. But here come the sounds of drums – Mother enters the camp, joy and love fill our hearts and the hands shower Her car and Her way with the tender petals of roses.

‘Mother is calling everybody to the house!’ I suddenly hear. I ran on the cold dew and saw Her face! Her Divine eyes were pouring love upon me, through me, upon all Her children. And we, enthusiastic, with our hands in namaste, put our hearts at Her Lotus Feet.

‘It’s cold but Mother wanted a puja and you have offered it,’ someone who had been with Her said. The glass doors closed, shielding the Goddess from the morning coolness… but our hearts, they were delirious with joy! Morning puja – we even could not have dreamt about such a blessing. Bhajans were played and the chorus of voices reached the heaven. I raised my head – each leaf, gilded by the morning sun against the background of the blue sky, turned towards Her.

Tears were rolling down our cheeks: I am part of the greatest event which is celebrated by nature here, on Shri Ganesha’s land (Togliatti is the Mooladhara of Russia). Vishva Vandita was sung and we, Shri Mataji’s Russian children, bent all our egos, and maybe, the ego of the planet, in a deep namaskar to the Lotus Feet of the great Goddess. In the quietest awe, we left the regal court.

The next day, as soon as it was announced that Shri Mataji had decided to start the puja in the afternoon, all the Yogis immediately gathered in the glade in front of the stage waiting for our great Mother. I could see a sea of Yogis, and the bottomless sky, where the burning rays of the sun were covered with clouds in a very caring way. Suddenly we all stood up and turned our heads towards Shri Mataji’s house – Mother was coming out and all of a sudden a flock of birds appeared above the house, making circles and spirals. Then, high in the sky, they slowly followed Shri Mataji’s car, accompanying Her to the stage. At the same time the clouds opened, and the sun and a stream of rays rushed to the stage. Our hearts could not bear such a divine and touching vision, and tears appeared in many of our eyes. The children started worshipping Mother. In awe and silence they went up onto the stage and showered Her Lotus Feet with rose petals.

During the whole puja, Shri Mataji was sitting on Her throne bending Her head down a little bit, as if directing Her Sahasrara towards all the Yogis. The vibrations were so strong that we went through dimensions and depths unknown to us before. In such a sublime state and oneness, we solemnly performed the last verse of the aarti and the third great mantra. Then thousands of Yogis bowed in a grateful namaskar, pouring their love to the highest Goddess of all, the Queen of the Universe.

The gift to the Russian collective – the picture of Shri Mataji in a gilded frame – followed the offering of presents to Shri Mataji.

Our gratitude was endless and we applauded, standing up. When Shri Mataji was leaving the stage, we were asked to meditate, to absorb the essence of Mother. So we all humbly sat down, put our attention to the Sahasrara and tried to drain the cup of vibrations which our Divine Mother was pouring onto each of us.

The next day the marriage ceremonies were to take place and we were making a garland for the Gauri Puja. Somehow it was very difficult vibrationally and we felt very tired. Suddenly wonderful news arrived: for the first time in the history of Sahaja Yoga all the vibrations were absorbed after the puja and Shri Mataji felt wonderful. All the tiredness vanished. A deep feeling of gratitude overfilled our hearts. She had helped us to reach the state in which we could make Her pleased.

Nataliya Zakharova



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