I’ll remember that for the rest of my life

On the very auspicious occasion of Shri Ganesha Puja in Cabella, 2009, the Sahaja marriages took place. For the last few years Shri Mataji has not usually been physically present during the marriage ceremony. As a woman, considering there are normally five times more women who apply for marriages than men, you feel very fortunate if Mother finds you a husband. Every year the Sahaja marriages are very special, but this year everything was beyond my expectations.

Since the day I got matched, you could feel Mother’s attention on each couple and on the actual day of marriage, it felt like heaven came down to earth, when Mother came to the marriage ceremony. She stayed for the whole ceremony and each couple could go on the stage to do a namaskar and receive a set of silver as a gift. The most amazing thing was that not only had I got married in front of the Shri Mataji, but also that after each couple could go on the stage again and dance in front of Her for a few moments. Mother looked very content, as if She was enjoying our presence very much, and I’ll remember that for the rest of my life.

Sakshi Kenny



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