Shri Gruha Lakshmi

Words are not adequate to express the beauty and sweetness with which Shri Mataji welcomed three local mayors as guests to Her house at Cabella on Friday 13th June 2008. In the way only She can, She made them feel very at ease. She explained what Sahaja Yoga is and the importance of self realisation. She did it in the same way She did in public programmes, still saying new things. She offered tea with many snacks, and talked of this and that, taking care of them as special guests and going deeper into various topics She helped them, with immense love, to get their self realisation. Afterwards they enjoyed dinner with Shri Mataji in a completely relaxed atmosphere and finally received Her gifts.

These few words are an attempt to reproduce, aware of the limitations and the inaccuracies, some of the many things Shri Mataji said during the meeting that lasted about three hours. Shri Mataji explained what Sahaja Yoga is to Her guests and repeated how very important it is for the future of the world, saying that even though She is 85 years old She works every day from morning to evening for Sahaja Yoga and She desires to do so for the whole of Her life.

Then She talked of Her desire to go to Russia, because they need a lot and they must be saved. They solved a lot of problems, but deny the existence of God, and on this point they must be saved. In China, for example, as well as in other places in the world, where people say that God doesn’t exist, terrible calamities occur, because the Earth reacts. Between saying that God is or is not, it is better to say: He is.

‘What do you expect from the school in Vignole, where the children will go?’ was asked. There is a plan to allow the children of Sahaja Yogis to attend school in Vignole, near Cabella, and they will live together in the house at Centrassi, close to Cabella. Shri Mataji said that She is going to start two schools. It is a wonderful thing that the children can go to an Italian public school and that they can follow the Italian school curriculum. She wanted to know everything about Vignole – where it is located, what people do for a living there, etc.

She said that one the major problems in America, as well as in England, is that boys and girls are left to themselves in too early an age and they are not adequately brought up by their parents. The parents do not take care of their children and then the children do not take care of parents. It is good that the children live their life and gain their independence, but they must always been loved and supported. Shri Mataji said that She has two daughters who have children, but She still keeps on taking care of them. One of consequences of the fact that the young people are left to themselves too early is an increase in the consumption of alcohol.

Afterwards Shri Mataji again expressed Her approval of Italy, saying that it is the best country in the world. Someone commented that Italy is appreciated a lot by foreigners for its beauty, its food, and for its clothing, but that Italians tend to complain that everything is no good and do not appreciate what they have, maybe because of a habit of dissatisfaction. Shri Mataji replied that they are like this because they are humble. Someone else said that not only is Italy beautiful, but all the world is.

‘Yes, but Italy is more beautiful!’ Shri Mataji replied.

Someone asked about Mahatma Gandhi and Shri Mataji said that She lived in his ashram, and he was extremely honest, of great ideals and a very hard worker. The problems arose when Pakistan separated from India and that provoked a mass migration of Muslims with whom it is difficult to find an agreement. But now, many of them are receiving self realisation and becoming Sahaja Yogis, and this is the only true solution to remove divisions and bring them to unity.

One of the guests asked if this means that it is possible to be Muslim and practice Sahaja Yoga, or be a Christian and practice Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji answered that without self realisation it is not possible to understand and realise the essence of the religion being followed. It is not possible to be a Christian in the true sense of the word if you first do not know yourself. Christ said that you must get your second birth. Shri Mataji gave the example of the Christians who came to India, and also went to other parts of the world. They said they were Christians, but they came to dominate, full of ego and aggression. Christ was the exact opposite, the personification of humility, to the extent that He even allowed Himself to be crucified for humanity. He was so powerful that He could have destroyed them all, but instead He forgave them.

‘First of all it is necessary to know ourselves, and be aware of ourselves, in order to be able to

practice these teachings,’ added the person who asked the question.

They also asked questions about food or the importance of being a vegetarian. Mother replied that in Sahaja Yoga there are no rules and that we can eat everything, but that we prefer not to eat beef. She added that we consider the cow as our Primordial Mother, and for sure we do not drink alcohol.

At this point one the Sahaja Yogis present suggested the guests should try for the experience, by putting their hands towards our beloved Mother, and all of them got their Self Realisation.

Antony Visconti and Duilio Cartocci



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