Email from Cabella, August 31st 2008

Dear brothers and sisters of the US Sahaja family, it was a great and unexpected blessing to find myself having the opportunity to spend a few minutes in the divine presence of our beloved Shri Mataji on Monday afternoon in Cabella. I wanted to share the experience with you all, as Her message that day was very much one of tremendous love for America and for the Sahaja Yogis of this country.

I had gone to the castle to give something from our country to Shri Mataji, or at least to leave it with someone who could offer it later. I was told that it might be a good day to have the chance to offer it to Shri Mataji personally, but it would be much later. I left to go get some flowers to be prepared for the possibility that I would receive a call to come back.

However, the call came not fifteen minutes later in the form of two yogis from the castle who found me standing at the flower shop in town whisking me away into a van, telling me, ‘We’ve got the flowers already. You’ve got to go now!’

As I entered Shri Mataji’s room, there was the tremendous presence of Her joy and divinity filling the room and washing over those of us who were there. I bowed down to offer Shri Mataji the bouquet of flowers from America.

What followed was a most amazing, surprising and blissful ten minutes or so, in which Shri Mataji expressed endless joy and satisfaction with America, and blessed this country again and again. From my notes, which may not be exactly accurate quotes, here are a few of the things I remember.

‘So great, what you have done, all of you in America. I am so grateful to you for what you have done,’ Shri Mataji said, and several times said, ‘Revived,’ and ‘Sahaja Yogis have revived Americans.’ Shri Mataji mentioned that She was so worried about Americans and the children there, and that She was very happy to see Americans revived. Shri Mataji said about America, ‘It is a great country,’ and three times said, ‘I always loved America.’ She also mentioned that we have taken ground breaking steps in America, saying that, ‘America has done it.’

I was also able to make my offering to Shri Mataji, which She looked at in detail and with great satisfaction and joy, and also offered Her some maple candies made somewhere near Canajoharie. She took great interest in these.

‘Maple?’ She asked. I explained that they are made from the syrup from maple trees near Canajoharie, to which She responded, ‘I have never tried them.’ Towards the end of my time with Her, Shri Mataji put Her right hand on Her heart and with deep feeling, said, ‘Give My love to all the Americans.’

It would be difficult to describe the utter joy and power of these few moments, but it was such an outpouring of love and satisfaction at the path we are on in America, and such an expression from Shri Mataji of Her blessings for our future success, it was tremendously moving. For those of us in the room, our Sahasraras were wide open, and the vibrations were so tremendous, the love and blessings flowing from Shri Mataji for America were so all-encompassing, that we all felt it was a deeply significant moment – an expression of Her love which would infuse all of us in America with the inspiration, confidence and strength to go further, with Her blessings, in bringing the experience of Her divinity to the people of this country.

With love, Jai Shri Mataji!

                                                                                                                    Steve Wollenberger



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