Hamsha Chakra

The Hamsa chakra, situated between the eyebrows, is also part of the Vishuddhi chakra and has the quality of discrimination, enabling us to determine which action is appropriate at any point. It also governs our sense of intuition, and through meditation, our sense of intuition can become strongly developed. Discretion means that you must choose the things which are good for you, which are benevolent to you, which are good for the collective, which is good for your ascent.

The discretion of the Ida Nadi (Left Channel) is intuition. If you develop that discretion within you, through your meditative powers, you develop intuition.
The word Hamsa can be broken down into two parts. “Ham” means—“I am” (not the ego part). To be aware of your Self is “ham”. That comes from the right side. The discretion of the right side is ‘hum’, and the discretion of the left side is ‘Sa’. ‘Sa’ means You. Or ‘You are The One’. For every human being, ‘You’ is the Divine. This comes from the left side, is ‘Sa’. So the word ‘Hamsa’ is made up of two types of discretion where to see ‘I am’ and where to see ‘You are’ (recognition of the Divine).
How to strengthen this center? What are the affirmations? The element for the hamsa chakra is fire. This center establishes qualities of Divine Discretion within us. When this center is open, you may see yourself being more aware of what to say, which path to choose very clearly, without doubting yourself—since you obtain a sense of intuition. You develop a sense of what is right vs. what is wrong automatically when this chakra is clear. From a health perspective, your sinus troubles may reduce if this center is cleared out. Central channel: Your left-hand stays open on your lap. Give vibrations to the area between your eyebrows in a clockwise direction and say—”Mother, please establish Divine Discretion within me. Please clear out my Hamsa Chakra.” You may also hold a candle in front of this chakra and look at the red dot (bindi) on Shri Mataji’s picture.

“There is joy, but you cannot feel the joy because the power – that subtle power of divine discretion – is not there. Once that comes in, you start enjoying everything. Things are just the same. Life is just the same. Nothing has changed. Same house, same family, same city, same environment, but you start enjoying because the sensitivity of your Hamsa chakra is now only for divine discretion and you immediately know and then you don’t want to do anything with the thorns. You only want to gather flowers and you know how to gather flowers and you are in joy.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 1992






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