
I  think one day Shri Mataji and her granddaughter and me, we are three of them, Shri Mataji was doing oil massage to her granddaughter named Anupama and I was just rubbing Mother’s feet. We were just watching that movie or something and we were just watching and Shri Mataji, suddenly she asked, what happened, what happened? And we just laughed and laughed. Suddenly, I’m rubbing Mother’s feet but there’s so many thoughts in my head, I don’t know why sometimes. I’m feeling really nervous and Mother says, don’t feel guilty. Sometimes, it’s really enjoyable but sometimes when you massage Mother’s feet and you just think, why is thought coming? I don’t know why it’s making our brain but sometimes it happens.

Another thing, Shudy Camps, I just think, I feel really joyful, I massaged Mother’s feet and I said, I’d really like to massage her body. Next time Mother came to Shudy Camps and that time I went there and I peeked in there as I got a chance and massaging Mother, she told me to massage her back and I was so joyful. How I feel, it just looked like I don’t know where I am, such wonderful things.

With the films, in America we were watching The Wizard of Oz once and you know when they all faint in the poppy field and she said, this is prophetic, this film is prophetic. I wasn’t there but Sarah, a few days later and they were watching 2001, the science fiction and when Hal, the computer, really started to take over, Mother told them to turn it off. She said, once they take over, you’ll be finished. Yet another time and watching films in Hampstead we called around and Mother had the television on and we very embarrassed, there was Mother sitting there, there was that beautiful very young picture of her on the wall and then there was Marilyn and Robert Mitchum in One Last River or Last River or something, she plays a nightclub girl and there she was, not wearing many clothes on and it was really embarrassing and then he picks her up at the end and he takes her off and her red spangly shoe falls off, so she’s going off to be a wife. Mother turned around and said, that was a very good. Then she turned it over and it was James Bond and she said, he’s only with one.







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