Meenakshi Murdoch

…because like Matthew said, we were so informal, she really like a mother and can you put your hand on my head so that my exams go alright and she used to put the hand, yes, don’t worry. On one occasion, I said, I’ve got my SSC exams, that’s called GCSE in this generation and I said, I got an opportunity to talk to give a ring to Mother actually and I rand Mother up and I said, I got exams, I would just like your blessings. Mother said, that’s fine, don’t worry.

Also there was one occasion, Shri Mataji in those days used to come to all the meetings we have our local meeting, she was on quite a few meetings, say maybe 2 or 3 meetings a week. she used to travel and then sit late until about 11, 12 o’clock at night to work on people and there used to be two rows of people, they used to go on Mother’s feet. What used to happen during those days is, Mother used to just sit like this and there were no ladies and men, they would mix, people used to go and we could put the hands under her feet and take the vibrations, really doing namaskar and it was a lovely experience.

-Could you talk about that experience?

You could feel the vibrations coming from the feet of Mother when you put your hand underneath her. So fortunate to have that experience during that time which people now won’t even know about it. Mother used to say, oh, come on, this and then there used to be Sahaja yogis standing both sides and Mother used to clear the chakras and I’ve seen Kundalini, when I used to go on Mother’s feet I’ve seen Kundalini rising of a person who is on Mother’s feet. Supposing there was a chakra got caught up, you could see the throbbing of the Kundalini on that chakra. Mother used to clear it out and it was to come along on the Sahasrara because that person is to be on Mother’s feet. We could see the Kundalini rising and coming and that was really an unforgettable experience, which people now won’t even think it would. Then we used to take the bus and then go home but we used to experience all these sort of things. Even now just last year I went, now 30 years ago I went back to Bombay and said, let me go to see this … which Mother used to go and the stage was still there where Mother was sitting. I said, oh, my God the stage is still there. It was beautiful, it was a lovely experience.

-Brenda and Rupert, you were married when you first met Sahaja yoga? It was intertwined but different. Let Rupert tell you the beginning.







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