Category: Chapter 18

  • On the banks of the Yamuna River

    On the banks of the Yamuna River

    We had two pujas with Shri Mataji in Yamunanagar, in the foothills of the Himalayas. The first was performed in Emerlin College, where I was educated. That was a Saraswati Puja, in 1992. We were thrilled, because a college is the abode of the Goddess Saraswati and we were having sakshat Saraswati Puja. The next…

  • She gave the answer

    She gave the answer

    In 1992 I came to know that Shri Mataji would be visiting Dehra Dun for a public programme. I was extremely happy to learn that She would stay in the Officer’s Rest House at my workplace, the Forest Research Institute, (FRI). I belong to a community which has worshipped Lord Krishna for many generations, and…

  • Shri Mataji’s instruments (email report)

    Shri Mataji’s instruments (email report)

    I had the privilege of being in Rome when Shri Mataji arrived from India in mid April 1992. She arrived at Rome Airport on Saturday at lunchtime, to be greeted by a crowd of perhaps two hundred yogis, mostly Romans but with a sprinkling from other countries and centres. She took a seat on one…

  • Usually I did not like this soup

    Usually I did not like this soup

    The small children in Sahaja Yoga went to the school in Italy at Rome Ashram. When I was there one day some children were allowed to go to the airport because Shri Mataji was going to come. We went in quite a small van and we went very late. We were very excited and a…

  • Bring children up in nature

    Bring children up in nature

    Shri Mataji came to Rome Ashram one time. She sat outside under the big tree in the garden where the children played. She spoke about nature, and said Her love and attention were on this house. As She was speaking and praising nature the tree was very gently dropping leaves onto all of us, and…

  • My Feet are more important than anything else

    My Feet are more important than anything else

    In 1992 I was working at Cabella and Mother had asked me to come down to see Her. ‘You must come now, Mother wants to see you right away,’ someone came to me and said. I was dusty and filthy and felt disgusted to go into Mother in that condition. In Mother’s room was an…

  • The need to be careful

    The need to be careful

    Once after a puja in Cabella we were up in Shri Mataji’s bedroom and She was counting money with us. ‘It’s strange,’ Shri Mataji said, ‘counting this money is catching on Sahasrara. It’s because I’m not really supposed to have anything to do with money but in this incarnation I have to be very careful…

  • Help for my family

    Help for my family

    There was one really personal day in 1992 when I was there with Mother. She asked me to come and see Her. ‘Mother is waiting for you, just go inside,’ the lady who looked after Her said. Mother was in Her morning clothes, not yet Her day sari. I sat down and She started talking…

  • Performing puja

    Performing puja

    When my daughters were small I used to often take them with me even to Cabella. There were just under two years between them. I had never had the chance to go up and do puja on stage but that Sahasrara Puja in Cabella (1992) the English were hosting. My desire to help perform puja…

  • What we need is a window

    What we need is a window

    During the refurbishment of the Palazzo in Cabella, in the second year, (1992) Shri Mataji cancelled most of the planned trips and remained in Her apartments and organized the building works. Although Shri Mataji never actually went to see the loft or the basement, She could give accurate details of how to overcome problems and…