Category: Chapter 5

  • 52, Darwin Court, near Regents Park, London

    52, Darwin Court, near Regents Park, London

    Around late spring/summer 1981, Shri Mataji had a small operation at the London Clinic, at a time when Sir CP had to go overseas because of his work. Two of us were living in a flat near Regents Park, North London, and it was arranged that Shri Mataji would come there to convalesce after Her…

  • A flame leapt out of the torch

    A flame leapt out of the torch

    Shri Mataji was wearing a synthetic nylon sari, blue and white, and walking around amid the rubble and dust. I was in a room where some people were making plaster moldings to go on cornices. Some other people had been working in the room too and someone had left a blowtorch burning, which is a…

  • Aarti


    I had arrived in Brompton Square not knowing anyone, feeling totally shy, inadequate, caught up, and wondering if I should be there anyway. There was a group of people I joined and two people in charge of choosing workers for their particular jobs. They chose their friends one by one and the group got smaller…

  • I am the fire

    I am the fire

    When we realised what had happened, we looked up in amazement to find Shri Mataji smiling down at us. ‘I am the fire, how could it hurt Me?’ Shri Mataji said, and She went on Her way to supervise putting in some pipes in the next room. Auriol Purdie

  • In an instant She became the Goddess

    In an instant She became the Goddess

    There were so many extraordinary aspects to those times with Shri Mataji in the early days. In some moments She wrapped us all so expertly in Her maya and ‘play’ and it was indeed possible to become totally relaxed, swept up in the feeling, that to be in Her company was the most normal, natural…

  • Shri Mataji’s legendary Mahamaya quality

    Shri Mataji’s legendary Mahamaya quality

    In a recent conversation with my sister Danya, we were both marvelling over Mother’s extremely sweet and disarming capacity to put us both at ease when we sometimes attended Her house at Brompton Square. For a few years, due to whatever unknown boons from past lives, we were both lucky enough to be regular, and…

  • The miracle of the blowtorch

    The miracle of the blowtorch

    Once we were in Shri Mataji’s house in Brompton Square, London, in 1981. It was being redecorated and Mother was walking around and directing people. She would tell us where paintings and other decorations were to go and what colour this door or that window frame was to be painted. Shri Mataji, wearing a highly…

  • The deep people

    The deep people

    Several moments of those times in the flat with Shri Mataji stand out to me. She must have moved in when I was away because I came home, opened the door and looked down the hall to see Shri Mataji sitting in the lounge room. I think I dropped my bags as I ran down…

  • God is good!

    God is good!

    This is a story concerning our dad, who often worked in repertory theatres up and down the country to earn a living. Occasionally a TV part would come his way in helping to pay the bills. Sometimes there was no money at all, and he would help out in my aunt’s restaurant. Then a cheque…

  • The eternal mother

    The eternal mother

    Only Shri Mataji knows the truth! No matter how many blessings, we all fall through the ‘net’ of maya. Years ago, in 1986 a Sahaja Yogi ‘snitched’ on me for doing something. Mother was both cross with that person, and at my darling mum, such a great seeker and I am ever grateful to her…