Category: Chapter 13

  • A stronger treatment

    A stronger treatment

    I had been suffering from a constant headache for many years, on the left of my forehead.  In Sahaj terms this coincides with the area of the Ego, the place in our body where Lord Buddha resides, but I did not know it at the time. After Sahaja Yoga this pain started to go away…

  • Candle treatment

    Candle treatment

    At one point Shri Mataji told me to cleanse myself through a candle flame. This meant putting my left hand towards the candle and the right hand towards Shri Mataji. Meanwhile She was talking and we were all sitting down listening to Her. I forgot about the candle and burnt my hand on it, and…

  • He knows who I am

    He knows who I am

    When we went to Spain for the first time in 1982, we prepared the room for Shri Mataji and put a candle next to Her bed. She smiled at us. ‘I don’t need a candle in My room,’ She said. Of the new people who came in Madrid, there was a lawyer who spoke no…

  • Innocence and joy

    Innocence and joy

    There were times when I felt so happy that I could not hide it. I had known this type of feeling when very young and some of my relatives asked, ‘Where does the joy come from? HHHYe seems lost in it sometimes.’ Having met Shri Mataji, this feeling of innocence and joy was coming back,…

  • Instructions for baldness

    Instructions for baldness

    Just before Shri Mataji left for England a new person came to see Her and asked Her for a cure for baldness. We all laughed and She advised him to rub oil on the scalp of his head, took some Amla hair oil and applied it to this young man’s bald patch. I was also…

  • Lessons in photography

    Lessons in photography

    The artistic Sahaja Yogi showed an album of photographs of Shri Mataji that he had taken. The first thing She said, looking at the photos, was that certain photographs did not reflect Her face and this was because of vibrations. She explained that the person taking the photos would get the best results if he…

  • It felt appropriate to call Her Mother

    It felt appropriate to call Her Mother

    Many people who came to see Shri Mataji brought gifts of the best Portuguese dishes and cakes. She was not a great eater, though as a guest She used to eat whatever was served to Her. In order not to let such good food go to waste, we younger people were being sumptuously fed, and…

  • Meeting Shri Mataji

    Meeting Shri Mataji

    We were told to sit and wait because Shri Mataji was having a siesta, and it would be a while before She could see us. We had no difficulty going into a siesta like mood since the atmosphere was impregnated with silence and spirituality, and felt as if we were in a temple. Later I…

  • Madrid


    My sister-in-law Marie-Laure was in Madrid and we were very happy to see each other, as we had rarely had the occasion since she had left Switzerland and gone to live in UK. As we were busy with all the preparations, we did not have much time to chat together. Shri Mataji showed us how…

  • Mother, I am my own guru

    Mother, I am my own guru

    I first met Shri Mataji in Portugal in May 1982. My knowledge of English was far from perfect. In fact to me the word vibrations meant the type of phenomenon that one experiences when a building is vibrating, for instance as a result of loud music. Shri Mataji, who was sitting at a distance of…