Category: Chapter 12

  • Untitled post 2455

    I can remember standing in Pam Bromley’s house in Brighton, and feeling so many of Shri Mataji’s vibrations there. When She came She just filled it with Her vibrations. Felicity Payment

  • 17th May 1982 (diary extract)

    17th May 1982 (diary extract)

    It is now more than ten days since the Sahasrara Puja took place in Paris: I had taken the children with me and there we stayed at the house of a lovely young yogini called Natalie. The house had been given to her by her father and it was used as an ashram.  There were…

  • A simple beautiful puja

    A simple beautiful puja

    I asked Shri Mataji if She wanted to have a puja in Rome in Spring 1982 and told Her I had bought a sari in India for Her, just in case She wanted to have puja. Shri Mataji said She had not planned for a puja, but if we had a sari for Her, then,…

  • A lesson for other times

    A lesson for other times

    When Shri Mataji was in Rome I paid for some things for Her and She said She would reimburse me. When I saw Her next, in Paris, She had the money to give back to me, in pounds. She handed me back this money. ‘Shri Mataji, if You need it, You can keep it. You…

  • A small flock of seagulls

    A small flock of seagulls

    After a public programme in Brighton, Sahaja Yogis gathered outside the venue to see Shri Mataji off in Her car. I had not managed to present Her with the flowers I had brought. She had just finished speaking with some yogis and was just about to drive off, when one of the yogis called out…

  • An anniversary gift

    An anniversary gift

    This photograph, above, was taken during Shri Mataji and Sir CP’s wedding anniversary on the 7th of April, 1982, at Nightingale Lane. Sir CP bought Shri Mataji the sari which he presented to Her and to everyone’s delight, Shri Mataji changed into it for all to see. John Watkinson   

  • Diary extract, 5th April 1982

    Diary extract, 5th April 1982

    On the 21st March I took a plane to London in order to participate in the celebration of Shri Mataji’s birthday which also coincides with the spring equinox and Mother’s Day in England. A splendid puja took place at the ashram of Chelsham Road: Shri Mataji was covered with flowers; She was like the embodiment…

  • Blake’s picture of the deities

    Blake’s picture of the deities

    When Shri Mataji saw the picture She said, ‘That’s just how it is,’ according to Graham Pottinger, who was with Her at the time. The location of the deities was given by Derek Ferguson who also heard it from Shri Mataji. 1.Shri Hanuman. 2. Shri Bhairava. 3. Shri Garuda. 4. Jesus Christ. 5. Adi Kundalini.…

  • Do you know who gave Me My hair?

    Do you know who gave Me My hair?

    Shri Mataji came to Rome for a series of programmes in the spring of 1982 and I was in Her bedroom. She was getting ready to go shopping or to go to the programme. ‘So, do you know who gave Me My hair?’ She asked me. ‘Yes, Shri Mataji, Shri Yama.’ ‘And do you know…

  • Every house in the universe

    Every house in the universe

    I remember being told at the time – in 1982 – that when someone asked Shri Mataji if She had built many houses like this, i.e. like 48 Brompton Square, which She was remaking from the inside out. ‘Every house in the universe,’ She replied without a pause. Chris Greaves