Category: Chapter 22

  • Some little jewels from Shri Mataji

    Some little jewels from Shri Mataji

    Shri Mataji told us never to keep half an onion in the fridge or elsewhere for later use, because once one has cut an onion, it should be either used or thrown away. A cut onion absorbs negativity. The same applies to lemons. If a baby is born with a good head of hair it…

  • Untitled post 1863

    In the upper photo Shri Mataji is tying one of Her saris around the bridegroom’s head as a turban. In the lower one the couple are kneeling at Her Feet after the wedding.

  • The second programme

    The second programme

    The second programme, two days later, took place in Bonn. I asked a friend from Bonn to arrange a hotel, rent a small hall and place an advertisement in the newspaper. Considering the little effort we had made, this programme was rather successful. The hotel, however, was beneath the dignity of Shri Mataji. Being a…

  • A beautiful pink sari

    A beautiful pink sari

    I was fortunate to receive one of Shri Mataji’s saris, in October 1980 soon after the first programmes that I had organised in Geneva. We were in the flat of our friend Mathias. Shri Mataji was staying there and She had worked on one of my best friends, who had attended the programmes. At some…

  • A divine personality

    A divine personality

    When I first came to Sahaja Yoga in 1980 these early pujas took much longer to reach their conclusion than later ones; some began when the sun was brightly shining overhead and ended when the stars were scattered across the sky. I remembered one puja, in particular, at The Temple of All Faiths in Hampstead,…

  • A request

    A request

    In the autumn of 1980 the Swiss yogis planned a tour through Geneva, Lausanne, Bern, Zurich and Basel. Gregoire de Kalbermatten sent a letter to me asking whether I could prepare one or two programmes in Germany. After well-attended programmes in Lausanne and Geneva, the ones in German-speaking Switzerland were rather disappointing, but I had…

  • Diary extract, 19th September 1980

    Diary extract, 19th September 1980

    Once more, blessed time! I could join Shri Mataji and the other Sahaja Yogis for the programmes in Paris and Lille.  We arrived one week ago to Paris at the programme just at the time when Shri Mataji was giving the self realisation; there were around a hundred people. In the train to get there…

  • Extract from my diary, 13th October 1980

    Extract from my diary, 13th October 1980

    ‘You have to stand like a rock,’ Shri Mataji told me. There was a lot of turmoil and invisible battles with the negativity in the early days, and this reminded me of the parable of Christ, who said that you should not build your house on the sand. Then Shri Mataji spoke about sin: She…

  • I told you that you would pass

    I told you that you would pass

    It was September 1980 and Shri Mataji was going to Switzerland. We had public programmes in Lausanne, Geneva and Zürich. We were very few Sahaja Yogis at that time, so we were all helping and trying to prepare. I had my final exams of Pharmacy, after six years of studies. I dedicated all my time…

  • Shri Mataji even made a wedding turban

    Shri Mataji even made a wedding turban

    I moved to Chelsham Road just after it was purchased in July 1980. It was a ruin and the vibrations were strange. We burnt candles and incense and said lots of mantras to clear the place out, because knew we were there for a purpose – to build the foundations of the New Jerusalem. Shri…