Category: Chapter 13

  • Shri Mataji told us to watch

    Shri Mataji told us to watch

    In 1979, we spent a weekend on the beach at Malad, just outside Mumbai. One morning, Shri Mataji stood in the sea, and we rubbed Her Feet. We were sitting in the water, which meant that we were completely, deeply cleared out, leaving us a state of total stillness and silence. The tide was going…

  • The whole universe was sparking with joy

    The whole universe was sparking with joy

    Another memory from that 1979 visit to India is of some of the Indian yogis coming back to the Mumbai flat we were staying in – Neelamber – and talking with Shri Mataji into the early hours of the morning, often after public meetings the night before. Mr Dhumal would often make Shri Mataji laugh…

  • The Kundalini itself was dancing

    The Kundalini itself was dancing

    During one of the concerts we attended in India in 1979 we were sitting near to Shri Mataji, listening to the violin played by a realised soul. I became aware that the sound seemed to travel through my Sahasrara rather than my ears – as if moving directly into Sahasrara. On another occasion, in London,…

  • Thank You Shri Mataji, for finding me

    Thank You Shri Mataji, for finding me

    In 1979, Shri Mataji said I should go back to England, where the Sahaja Yogis would take care of me. At this time there was only a small group of yogis in Delhi and Bombay, and about thirty yogis in England. We went to see Shri Mataji off at the train station in Delhi, and…