Category: Books

  • Leo LionHeart

    Little Leo loves to play being a big and brave superhero with his best friend Fifi. He is anything but heroic, however, when he and Fifi play. Time and again Leo loses his courage and it is tiny Fifi who has to come to his rescue. It gets to the point when Leo nearly gives…

  • Bible Enlightened

    The book introduces the reader to a new and challenging perspective on the mystical side of yoga as compared to the world religions. It provides a bridge between the Eastern and Western forms of spirituality which support and complete each other. The author resorted to a wealth of documentary sources aiming to reveal the profound…

  • Know Thyself

    An introductory book on Sahaja Yoga Meditation dedicated to intermediate-level practitioners. Contains knowledge, research and personal stories on each chakra and energy channel, miracle stories, and testimonials of Sahaja Yogis’ Self-realization and how it changed their lives. REVIEWS: “Know Thyself is phenomenally well written, there’s an elegance, a style to it that sets it apart…

  • Nirmala’s Story

    This is the story of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, a highly revered spiritual personality of our times, in a beautiful book of illustrations covering some remarkable moments of Her life. Penciled and penned and canvased by Sahaja Yogi artists around the world, this is a publication you will enjoy whether or not you have children…

  • Songs from a Satvic Angel (English)

    We all have knowledge and we all have experience but I have found there is a vast ocean between our knowing and our becoming. These songs are a small expression of a greater experience. That experience is of an eternal love given unconditionally to me by many I have met along my journey, including and…

  • Lieder eines sattvischen Engels – Songs from a Satvic Angel (German Edition)

    Die Idee, die vorgelegten Gedichte in eine Buchform zu bringen, kam mir eines Tages in der Meditation. Dabei verspürte ich eher den Wunsch, dem Leser ein Gefühl von Liebe und Trost zu vermitteln, als dass es ein intellektueller Prozess war. Die Lieder sind einfach gedacht und ebenso gelesen, gibt es mir das Gefühl, erfolgreich die…

  • Raywyn & the Golden Bow

    The White Tiger snarled and drooled, growing in size, his canines glowing as they flashed… Raywyn was whirled away by her captor… he went to slash her across the throat… Metarch’s voice boomed out its ghoulish scorn… ‘You are weak and useless like all of your kind. I will destroy all the people of the…

  • The Snow Man who was cold

    Stories with Values’ is a series of heartwarming children’s adventures each of which takes us on a journey of discovery through the subtle challenges of ethical values in our everyday lives. In each story young readers meet an unforgettable character whose profound experience will encourage and inspire them.

  • Visions of the Divine Feminine in medieval Europe

    This book considers visions in the literature of medieval Europe with particular reference to visions that can be considered to be of the Divine Feminine in a variety of forms including Wisdom (Sapientia), Philosophia and Natura amongst others.

  • Sahaja Yoga A Jungian Approach By Jose Antonio Salgado

    When we are dealing with spiritual or religious subjects, it is difficult to avoid being dogmatic or subjective in some way. This should not be interpreted as a pejorative statement; it is a simple fact that the meaning of the words we use and the very logic of language come from human experience on the…