Category: Blogs

  • Evolution

    There are different planes in evolution – evolution in nature, psychological evolution, spiritual evolution and so on. Darwin’s theory proposed that “All life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers — all related. Darwin’s general theory presumes the development of life from non-life…

  • Evolution on the psychic plane

    As far as the physical body is concerned, no one nowadays doubts that it was formed through a long evolutionary process, starting with a unicellular entity and passing through many stages. These stages, modern science assumes, include invertebrate marine, amphibious and finally mammalian states, leading to the form and characteristics we have today. The Bible…

  • Waiting at the airport

    Right now I am waiting for my flight to board at the LAX airport. While I sit and watch people constantly walking, watching their phones or just chit chatting with each other I see a unusual trend. What I see is there are very few out there who are truly opening up and most of…

  • Addiction- there IS a solution!

    Addiction- there IS a solution! “It’s my life!” is the refrain of the popular song. Why then do we allow it to be controlled by factors other than ourselves? Addiction is an important issue that we don’t discuss rationally enough. Even if we do realize that a loved one, or we ourselves, have become addicted…

  • Power of Shri Mataji’s Photograph

    What Does it Represent ? It is only in the lifetime of the Adi Shakti, that the photographs have started… it’s more than a representation… SHREE MATAJI SAID”it’s quite Me… because My attention is there… My photograph has got My Desire also in it” The photograph has so many elements in it – it has…

  • Correcting my own mistake

    Somewhere i read “You can only learn from a mistake after you admit you’ve made it”. As soon as you start blaming other people you distance yourself from any possible lesson. We know that it was not easy, but if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible…

  • Why should we Suffer anymore !

    I was born in a Christian family and my parents were very spiritual couple. Later when i grew up i became also spiritual, spending my whole time reading Bible and some books of yoga my dad was keeping. I was far to understand well what was written in but it talked of ” Kundalini” which…


    SPREADING POSITIVITY   In the present world, it is one of the toughest job to remain positive or in a positive environment. Every day we encounter and come across so much negativity thoughts even if we want it or not. It’s become so inevitable to be away from these daily negative energies. Newspapers, Television, Social…


    IMPORTANCE OF SELF INTROSPECTION IN SPIRITUAL ASCENT   Many a times with in me some question arises and mostly I get proper answers every time for these questions. The answers may be through words or actions but for sure it will only by means of Sahaja yoga. This is the paramchaitanya. It is a very…

  • Detachment – How do I practice it?

    Detachment – How do I practice it? In almost all the religions, they preach about detachment.  But, what is the root cause of emotional problems encountered by Humans, it is excessive attachment.  It could be attachment over our family, material things, power and craving for popularity.  This attachment is different from Love, while Love cures…