Meditation in San Diego – We can take care of the Drugs problem


When I walk in the streets of San Diego downtown, I love it…just feel as if that divine meaning is coming to my life. Just nothing, I don’t feel like I really need much but just some love and tranquility. My spiritual healing is happening here as I see From the shore, ocean waves saying hello to me as if they are smiling. Then suddenly this walks up to me and says says nothing but I can see clearly is on drugs. The city needs to do something about this and as if anyone really knows what is to be done. The love and divine light flows in my through the Kundalini or the holy Spirit…telling me everyone must get their self realization. Now, hang on what does this mean and where did it suddenly come from ?

I looked for meditation classes in San Diego and found sahaja yoga. Started by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi or Nirmala Devi I feel can turn around this situation that can damage the godliness of this place into a very positive and solemnly beautiful outcome. We can change ! and so can my brothers influenced by drugs into the hands of Jesus and God. An addict as we hopefully can empathize with can go into withdrawal many times despite trying to quit or in rehab and through Sahaja Yoga and several amazing natural treatments they can stop that guilt from growing and also forgive themselves. The aspect of forgiveness as Jesus and Bible have taught us can not just change the drug situation but also the world…every one of us. Let’s not discriminate anymore and keep our doors and hearts open. Several drug addicts have been cured in Sahaja Yoga and have gone to become writers and global diplomats. The Divine Mother – Shri Mataji has helped many and is ready to help more….just by her photograph, we just have to allow that dignity to manifest.

There are other sites too on Sahaja Yoga such as,, and other sites. Her talks can be found on and also

Self Realization Video:

Nice excerpt of a talk by Shri Mataji on drugs:

Now for example, now we have drugs. They didn’t have drugs at that time. Even Mohammed Sahab time, there was no smoking. He, of course, He knew about the alcohol, so He said no more alcohol. But there was no smoking, so Muslims think that if you smoke, it’s alright because it’s allowed. It’s an escape, you know, just an escape. Now the drugs also, I was surprised in these Arabic countries they’re taking drugs. Young people are taking drugs. Quite a lot. Even ladies take drugs there. It’s very surprising. The reason for that is again, that in the Koran there’s no word of drugs.



