
After hurricane Harvey, I was like Houston is not the place to live dude. But almost a year later today, when I see the city getting back on its feet it makes me feel like hallelujah !! bless the Lord, bless the only son of man Lord Jesus Christ. When the floods were happening and the aftermath I found great solace in my heart when I found some meditation in Houston. This, not a yoga class in Houston but really a divine godliness revelation for oneself. It’s called Sahaja Yoga and the guiding spiritual healing is done by Her Holiness and dignity personified Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi or Nirmala Mataji. I like calling her Shri Mataji which means respectfully addressing a Divine Mother. After such a catastrophic disaster, i get to feel in my heart that the way Houston was going such incidents no doubt are terrible to face but they do something that does not happen otherwise. They bring togetherness and reading the bible makes me believe it brings up the divinity and power of collectivity within us. Makes us feel like one family and when we do Sahaja Yoga and that kundalini and holy spirit awakens within us i feel like divine mercy and divine meaning has come into our lives. I aint no healer or a someone in a samadhi (deep meditative feeling) state but i tell you this – am a better human being now. After Sahaja Yoga, i realize whether it is Buddhism, Christianity, Islam or Judaism…even Hinduism for that matter….Godly divine love and divine love exists within us and that spiritual healing has to happen from within first …later outside. My mama used to listen to music to heal her Soul and i’ve found that love in Sahaja Yoga through music, meditation and that sense of one world one family. Houston needs the inner godly dignity to manifest and Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in my heart is the one who can do it. Straight from the heart – i am no great blogger but hope and pray you all can try this opportunity for redemption and pass it to others then –


There are other sites too on Sahaja Yoga such as www.sahajayoga.org, www.shrimataji.org, www.freemeditation.com and other sites. Her talks can be found on www.amruta.org and also www.nirmalavidya.org

Self Realization Video: http://www.sahajayoga.org/experienceitnow

Interesting conversation (just an excerpt)  by Shri Mataji on Hurricanes:

Shri Mataji:  But now they are having a bad time. Everywhere you see now, all these resorts are having a bad time. Earthquakes are coming to resorts and things. Earthquakes and also lots of hurricanes and all these things are happening, because if you do adharmic things then the sea itself gets angry.

Yogi: Do you remember last year in Spain with the fires, nine hundred people died?

Shri Mataji: Yes very much. That also happened. All kinds you know. This Greek ship this tanker, landed. In France there is one resort which was all finished by this thing. And in Spain it was finished when they brought a gas, this thing. So, everywhere. Now there’s a hurricane and the other day I read about an earthquake coming.

Yogi: Well in the Caribbean right now there’s a volcano erupting

Shri Mataji: Yes, Volcano is bursting. All the Caribbean sea that was misused for adharmic things.



