SAHAJA YOGA – A Unique Discovery & Gift To Mankind – Hars, Parul

Narrator: Viewers you are once again welcome in Sahaja Yoga: A unique Discovery and gift to mankind. Such a spiritual journey where not only a person finds himself but he shows the path to others while walking on the path of religion and spirituality he achieves a happy and prosperous life. Today this meeting is very special today for the first time we are going to meet a married couple in Sahaj yoga Harsh and Parul ji. Let us come and listen from them how was their spiritual journey and while walking in the path of spirituality how did they played the role of a householder perfectly.

Interviewer: Viewers you are all welcome in our special representation of Sahaja Yoga: A unique Discovery and gift to mankind.

A journey which we have started a few times back with only one objective that, while living in this human life how we could achieve a happy prosperous life in this mad race for money, in this haphazard world? How we can enjoy whatever we have got?

And we are thankful that you have appreciated all the conversations that we had till now and not only that you have appreciated but you have also called them directly and had a conversation with them and we hope that through that conversation you have got that thing for which we have started this series of conversation.

Today in our Studio we have two guests is Harsh ji who lives in Yamunanagar and accompanying him is his wife Parul Ji let us welcome to our guests. Harsh and Parul ji both of you are very very welcome to the News Dnn studio. Dear audience before we begin our conversation I would like to say that this episode is going to be special because as of now we have only met single person in studio and now there is little change where we are giving this talk show a new look where we will be meeting a married couple whose marriage was done in Sahaja Yoga and how they are living their life in Sahaj yoga. But first of all, we would like to know what is their personal life, what they have got in Sahaj? and what they have been together to spread what they have achieved and that will be special in our conversation today. Viewers we will start with Harsh ji first.

Harsh ji, Sahaj yoga started from 1970 and now many people knew about it and it is spread in the world now when did you started your spiritual journey.

Mr Harsh Sahani: I came in May 1998 first time in Sahaj yoga but if I look back in my life before this I could see that I always have been in search of God since class 10. What is God? What is peace? and regarding that we made our own organisation we all the boys of 10th standard and we had kathas(storytelling from scripture) and participating in those and therefore our interest started growing, initially it was just Hobby. But later I got pretty serious about it listening to those Kathas and all the things.

Interviewer: The search for the religion started.

Mr Harsh Sahani: That seeking started growing inside, and it grew to that extent that we used to discuss with big pithadesh(priest) that came to our house or we used to go. And then I started reading Gita four-five times and after that my resolution grew stronger that I have to get it. Then in between I started to observe fast for Hanuman Ji for five-six years and the seeking grew stronger then I started asking Hanuman Ji “I want God no matter if I do not get anything but I want God”. And I believe that he showed me the way so it happened that in a Saturday I asked him this and next Saturday I was in a program of Sahaj yoga, I saw a poster and that drew me to that program. And from 1998 the journey of mine is started when Shri Mataji had given me her blessings.

Interviewer: You have told that you started your journey in 1998 and from class 10 you had the urge to know God and religion.

So when you joined Sahaj yoga in 1998, what was your age and which class you were in?

Mr Harsh Sahani: I was just passed out of college.

Interviewer: So you spend four-five years more in search of religion and god.

Mr Harsh Sahani: Yes five years.

Interviewer: So the biggest question that comes is what you were doing in the name of religion and things that were happening in Sahaj, what are the difference that you noticed between them?

Mr Harsh Sahani: The biggest difference that I noticed that the things written on the book and scriptures that I had read earlier, and at a mental level I had thought that I have understood them and when those experiences started coming, when I started meditation and gradually that feeling came. Then I started remembering those things that I had read in that scripture referring to this feeling. So the biggest difference that I noticed is that I was now feeling those things that were all in my mental understanding. There were many things in Bhagavad Gita where Shri Krishna ji have said that I had memorised and as I had read Gita 5 times and I could talk about it for hours and hours. But the real meaning of those slokas where gradually realised after doing meditation in Sahaj yoga.

Interviewer: So we can accept that on behalf of our viewers that whatever you have read in the name of religion in past 5 years and after joining Sahaj yoga you got that experience, Harish Ji what were the effects of that knowledge that you had gathered from scriptures and your practical experiences upon your daily life?

Mr Harsh Sahani: Earlier I was Irritable and all my family members knew it, my weight was 40-50 kilos and I used to remain yellowish, I used to suffer from anaemia and my nature was to work in haste, always coming late and working in a random fashion. After I came to Sahaj yoga the first thing that happened was my weight increased 10 kilos and all of a sudden my health became ok. My mind always used to be in a hurry and that got quieter.

Interviewer: What was the hurry for?

Mr Harsh Sahani: I used to hurry while doing every work, it was my nature to do things hurriedly like if there is a meeting at 7 a.m. I used to get out of the house at 7 am itself. And naturally, I have to run.

So I had Irritability and I felt angry all the time. So the biggest difference that came was all these things were gone in one month. My health which was always in the doldrums, I had the stomach problem and it was cured. So when I came to Sahaj I didn’t know that all of these things happen. And few time later when I realised that I am not suffering from any health issue then it caught my attention. That my health and habits were improving.

Interviewer: And almost it is 20 years, in Sahaj yoga and meditation. What is your age now Harsh ji?

Mr Harsh Sahani: 42 Years.

Interviewer: Viewers our question is justified, I know that one should not ask someone’s age because if you minus 20 years from his life, so he will be of 20 to 23 years at that time which is generally not considered as the age to seek God but answer is in front of you, that there is no age to search for God it is just a query to get him and to live our lives with that knowledge and maybe that is our aim and because of this we come to human life. Let us continue this conversation Harsh Ji you told that the irritability that you had ended and stability came, was these came within one month of joining Sahaj yoga?

Mr Harsh Sahani: Actually I saw it later but my family member noticed it earlier. As I haven’t told them much about what I was doing, I used to do Jal kriya and other things in my room. So they asked me “what is that you are doing” because they were noticing Good change inside me then I noticed myself that really my habits have changed.

So I feel that this is a big difference and all my friends too notice that. In my college days, I used to speak a lot of slang. And suddenly it was gone. I didn’t have to try and when I think that today it doesn’t come in my mouth. So there are several small difference which I saw inside me.

Interviewer: Friends it is said that from a person’s behaviour his family, his parents, his guru can be identified. The conversation that we had with Harsh ji. It becomes very clear that when he came to Sahaj yoga what difference it brought in his life and how his Lifestyle changed and there is nothing to say about it anymore. The changes that we expect from the world around us should first reflect inside us then only in the world will change and then will the society change. Let us take this conversation forward Harsh ji when you came to Sahaj yoga what you’re doing were you in business?

Mr Harsh Sahani: I started the business at that time.

Interviewer: It was 1998.

It is said that if you are not satisfied with things around you until then you cannot worship God or thinking and Loving him because it becomes a artificial thing as you may sit in meditation but your mind will always think of money. In our previous conversation with other people one thing that we noticed in Sahaj yoga that a person not only gets characters changes and behavioral changes and along with that economical change also comes.

Did you personally saw any changes, having gain and loss are two different things, but what changes that Sahaja Yoga brought in you and how it impacted on your business.

Mr Harsh Sahani: About business, all the people talk about it, the Businessman around me say that “he is a person who hasn’t thought of his business from day one”.

Because the process of our work was such that when we had Shri Mataji’s program we used to shut the shop and went to attend that. Sometimes I used to opened it in the evening and sometimes in the morning.

Means there is a traditional norm of sitting in the shop continuously I had never done this. Whenever there was any program we shut the shop. And we have noticed that, in those day our sales increased and we sell the same amount of things in 2 hours which we were able to sell in whole day in other days. And special change that we felt which our customers had told us because we have a business of medicines and we really need God’s blessings in our type of business because not only medicine but God’s blessing are needed too. We had this experience when sometimes we closed our shop for two days and our customers in compulsion needed to buy medicine from another counter they would bring the medicine to show us after two days and they would say “please check if the medicine was alright” then I used to say “why what happened it is a company made medicine and it is packaged because we do not make this medicines ourselves it is a patent medicine and we are getting the same medicine as other shops are getting”. But they used to say that “this medicine is not working like the medicines used to work when we brought it from your counter”.

They used to say “it is just useless” and they really used to throw it in the garbage in front of us. Though we could not say them but we feel that it is God’s blessing because of which these medicines are working more. Otherwise, I haven’t manufactured that medicine or I do not have any part in it, it is a packaged material but it is the god’s blessing which is the factor that is working.

It also happens that people bring back medicines and used to say that we didn’t have to eat this medicines our problem solved on his own. The love and respect that we get from our customers, that we never felt shortage of work no matter if doctors were there around us or not but our sale remains intact and our sales increased gradually day by day.

Interviewer: Very beautiful, you have great faith in Sahaj yoga that is what you are doing and the blessings that God has given you and now we move forward gradually from 1998 and we now want to talk about the 2000s and your marriage with Parul ji. Parul ji now we will have a conversation with you for our viewers. He has already told that he joined Sahaj yoga in 1998 and when did you come to Sahaj?

Mrs Parul Sahani: I also came to Sahaja yoga in 1998.

Interviewer: And where are you from?

Mrs Parul Sahani: I am from Sitapur in Lucknow.

Interviewer: Harsh ji the marriages that happen in Sahaja Yoga is there any condition that people have to belong in the same city or something like that?

Mr Harsh Sahani: Yes there is a condition that you cannot marry in the same centre except that you can marry all over the world anywhere it can happen.

Interviewer: Ok we will continue this discussion Parul ji when you came to Sahaj in 1998, how did you come to Sahaj? What are the circumstances that lead you to Sahaj?

Mrs Parul Sahani: It so happened that my mother’s health would remain poor so someone said us you can try Sahaja Yoga meditation which can give benefits in health and therefore my father and mother started going to the centre for this reason and when they started doing meditation morning and evening and started doing foot soaking so we noticed the changes in their health. So this was also a reason for which we started going there because of Sahaja Yoga meditation my parents health got better as well as financially we become stable and so it inspired me to start Sahaj yoga.

Interviewer: There must be some reason when we started our journey to search God maybe it is for finding a solution of any problem or searching him to get connected with him but all are the reasons. Harsh ji and Parul ji who are sitting with us in our studio whatever they were searching but today we have a great opportunity to have a conversation with them for whatever reasons they came to Sahaj yoga and after that, they got married.

Harish Ji we want to know for our viewers that how Sahaj yoga marriage is different than a normal traditional marriage? Because if we talk about Sahaja Yoga though we can’t call it organisation but for the namesake, we can call it an organisation, such dimension, such family where religion and truth are not taught but person learnt it themselves. If you look at your married life and others married life then what are the difference that you notice?

Mr Harsh Sahani: The biggest difference I feel is that the Husband and wife remain loyal to each other, they have faith and love for each other. One thing I felt that the marriages which were done in front of Shri Mataji she used to attach the chakras of husband and wife. I have seen this in many Sahaj couples as well as if I talk about myself then I have seen that the weak points that I had and those are solid in my wife and points where she was weak but I was solid in those points. And gradually within six months or one year, I felt the improvement in my weak points. So I think this is a good difference that I have noticed which is not noticeable every time. Outside there is a competition between husband and wife of who is superior among them but in Sahaj husband and wife compliments each other.

Interviewer: Maybe it is the aim of every marriage.

Mr Harsh Sahani: Yes that should be the aim, to help each other out and we never thought of suppressing one another. The lesson of love that Shri Mataji has taught so we are living our life in that way. All the blessings that we have got from Shri Mataji they have to be fulfilled.

Interviewer: Absolutely. Parul ji what do you think of it? Even outside Sahaj, there are many couples who have very good relation and they compliment each other and the way both of you are leading your life that your chakras are joined.. maybe this Chakra topic may not be cleared to our audience, by the meaning of joining the chakras means that she Mataji makes husband and wife each others compliment, as he was telling in order to reduce one’s weaknesses such matching happens in Sahaj yoga so that the married couples in Sahaja Yoga may help each other and compliments one another.

The degradation in the married life that we see today, he has very beautifully said there is a competitive feeling which may end because of that matching what is almighty God does for you and apart from this, Parul ji we want to ask you a direct question you have seen many married couples and specially if we talked about the condition of girls in India in Sahaj yoga what difference in condition that you have seen in yourself compare to the people who are married in non Sahaj yoga way?

Mrs Parul Sahani: The thing is my family was also doing Sahaj yoga for two years and where I went after marriage he was also a Sahaj Yogi. So you can understand that what happens when two families have different rituals so I do not have to face that kind of problem because the way we used to do our meditation the same environment I got here after I came here, the same way we used to go to center on Sunday. Where girls whose relationship doesn’t happen through Sahaj yoga, they have faced a problem, that restriction in going to centre or in doing meditation so that kind of problems I didn’t have to face.

Interviewer: What about the family environment?

Mrs Parul Sahani: The family environment is very beautiful.

Interviewer: Harsh ji I think the marriages that have been in Sahaj over there we do not have the barriers of religion, caste, creed or even Nation.

Mr Harsh Sahani: No barrier in that.

Interviewer: It’s a very beautiful system where a daughter after going to a different family she doesn’t become the daughter-in-law but the daughter herself. So this beautiful system can only be witnessed in Sahaja Yoga. A system which was made by Shri Mataji where not only the families join but those families after joining can change the society, they set up a system where there is no need of telling what is truth and what is false? What is religion and people walk in that path only. Harsh ji what is the objective of Sahaj marriages?

Mr Harsh Sahani: The biggest objective of Sahaj marriages– Shri Mataji have done all this arrangements so that religious family may come into existence, that both husband and wife may remain in the path of religion with love, because in order for the saints to come down on earth they need a family where they can live they search families with their wish, because they are people who have got salvation. So they need a religious family–

Interviewer: A Matrimony that is according to religion.

Mr Harsh Sahani: So in Sahaj yoga such families are very easily available and they remain in the religion because we have seen this in our children’s also in comparison to other children.

Interviewer: We were just coming on to this question you have seen the transition in your life, from a student to a married person and being a businessman you have witness the changes and Society have also seen those changes and people have accepted it. If we talk about your children what changes you see in your children in comparison to the other children in the society because the situation in which the children’s are there what is the difference that you saw in your children?

Mrs Parul Sahani: There is a great difference between others and our kids, as we see in society the teenagers today they are indulging in very wrong activities but we do not have that fear because religion is activated in them automatically so we do not have the fear that they could do something wrong outside. And teacher in school also say that the children are very patient and they are not in any wrong work.

Interviewer: Good children’s are there in Sahaj and also outside of Sahaj it is not that every section of society becomes good or bad there are individuals who choose those paths that they like. From what Parul ji has said a beautiful thing that came up is parents do not have the fear that whether their children may go in the wrong direction and maybe it can become a big reason that we proceed in this part of the religious truth.

What are the qualities that you see in your kids? In connection to education, extracurricular activities. If you talk about that what is the difference that you see between other Children’s and your children and it is not that every child brings 90% of marks nor  it is necessary, that every child can’t become a musician, not every child can become a player but the children’s who are doing meditation and Dharna, dhyana and doing Sahaj yoga what is the difference between them and other children only one difference that you feel.

Mrs Parul Sahani: By doing Sahaj yoga their hidden qualities that were inside the children shows up.

Interviewer: And you do not have to put any effort on that?

Mrs Parul Sahani: No as we see them we just…

Interviewer: Nurturing is a different thing but you do not have to search that, what my children will do tomorrow which automatically surfaces up.

Mrs Parul Sahani: So the qualities come up on its own.

Interviewer: Harsh Ji except this being in Sahaj yoga what is that thing that you want to share with our audience? All but the message would you like to give to our viewers that why people must do Sahaj yoga? Both of you can say.

Mr Harsh Sahani: One thing that I wanted to say about Sahaj marriage is that we all do worshipping of Goddess and in India we do worship Shakti and previously in ancient times to make the Goddess happy people used to sacrifice their heads

Interviewer: They used to sacrifice everything.

Mr Harsh Sahani: Dhyanu Bhagat had offered his head and we have seen that when we did Sahaj marriage and when she Mataji came to bless us and if there she had given 10 minute speech in that 8 minutes were filled with only blessings, mother had given us all kind of blessings and even today also I remember that scene of my marriage.

So I was thinking that it was so hard to make the Goddess happy but our Shri Mata ji used to get happy if we live happily in Sahaj marriage, and do our duty, and therefore she used to give us lot of blessings.

So it is something that we should do for our mother and if once the Goddess is happy you can never have troubles in your life.

Interviewer: Very beautifully you have said, now Parul ji.

Interviewer: What message do you want to give to our sisters and daughters that why they should do Sahaj yoga? Because you have told everything about marriage also about the family.

Mrs Parul Sahani: For ladies, it is important to do Sahaj yoga because they are the base of the society it is the work of women to improve the household as well as the society. And when they do Sahaj yoga they had the balance inside them and with balance when decisions are taken they are very fruitful so it is very important for ladies to do Sahaja Yoga and if they do it they get great help for themselves in their day to day life.

Interviewer: So this was our meeting with Harsh Sahani and Parul ji. Both have told their situations and they have told about the reasons for which we came to Sahaj.

They have also said about the things that they have got after the Sahaj marriage and what their children’s have got. They have told us about the crucial differences they have witnessed in their life and may be society also have noticed those changes.

There is nothing to say that after having so many meetings it is known that what we want to say and what you want to listen. Because what you are wanting to listen, we are getting in the form of messages.

There is only one objective, only one aim anyhow if we want to send you the message that without spending anything, without renouncing anything we can lead a very beautiful and happy and satisfying life, it is not we are saying every time our guests say this.

The special thing today we had was that Harsh ji’s anguish become pacified, you knew how he got benefit in his business this is something that we talked every time and specially the talks we had with Parul ji, the benefit of Sahaj marriage that from a family you come and the family that you go they are very similar all are very similar. There is no need to worry for children.

And maybe this is all we need in one life and rest we have not brought anything with us and not that we are going to take anything back. Parul ji and Harsh ji we thank you very much that you have come to our studio. Viewers we will soon return with a new guest the journey of Sahaj yoga unique Discovery and gift to mankind will continue this journey we will not stop until we have succeeded in spreading this message in all over the world. Thank you.

Narrator: So, friends, this was our meeting with Parul and Harsh who are residents of Yamuna Nagar and like this the series of meetings will continue and we will let you meet with such peoples and couples who had married in Sahaja Yoga and they have achieved the objective of their life while walking in the path of spirituality and religion.




